Smooth Operator {Worth Casing Wednesday Link Party}

Creme Brulee | Perth | Worth Casing Wednesday

The Brisbane Hotel Perth | Creme Brulee


Last month, we celebrated 21 years together. 21 years since that very first official date where we went for a nice meal in Crows Nest, headed in to the City (Sydney) to see a movie (Schindler’s List) and I cried into my cocktail afterwards at the Marble Bar. On one hand it seems like yesterday and the other a life time ago.


With hubby posted to sea for the month, working on a marine science survey ship in the middle of nowhere, there was no opportunity to celebrate on the day. While we don’t tend to celebrate in a big way regardless, we do like to mark the occasion of our first official date all those years ago with a nice meal out.


It was through the tears on that first date that I knew Mr C was the one. It was probably the tears that may have meant Mr C needed a tad more convincing but two weeks later we moved in together and six months later we purchased our first home. The rest you might say, is history, including our 20 year ‘surprise’ wedding anniversary in November this year. Another special occasion!


Wedding Agent Mystery Case


One thing I tend to look for when casing the menu for a special occasion venue is crème brûlée. It’s been our dessert of choice for the entire 21 years. Although we have a tendency to order one and fight to the death share it.


With hubby back in town and playing catch up in the office, we’ve taken our sweet time getting around to finally celebrating. I had originally signed us up for a long lunch at one of our favourite venues (The Boulevard Hotel) that included 4 courses matched with 8 favourite beers. It ticked all the boxes. Or so I thought. On a last-minute closer inspection (two days prior), I discovered it was a blogger heavy event.


Not that I have anything against bloggers (I am one), blogging events (I organise and attend enough of them) or food reviews (part of my mystery reviewer work) but it was too much like work as far as hubby was concerned. I had to agree.


I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to sit down to a meal with a mass of digital cameras and smart phones, worrying your every move and mouthful is being recorded and shared on social media. Yes, I appreciate this is a tad rich coming from photograph everything old me and hubby will no doubt have a good laugh here.


So I was back to square one and craving something a little different. We had already set aside Saturday afternoon and I was determined to make things more than happen.


Thanks to a quick email requesting a little mission impossible help from man about the foodie side of Perth town (David Gardiner), we managed to grab a last-minute booking at The Brisbane Hotel. This resulted in what was truly the perfect date day, not to mention the most divine and possibly best crème brûlée we’ve fought over since moving to Perth.


Agent Mystery Case | Casing the Menu | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


We were one of the first to arrive for lunch but it wasn’t long before the place was buzzing. Not surprising given the location, menu and the perfect weather in Perth that day. The venue is well spaced which meant we could enjoy the atmosphere of a full house but maintain a certain level of intimacy while we reminisced about our 21 years together and devoured our food.


Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


Parfait | Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


Parfait | Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


Salmon | Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


What can I say, the staff were attentive but not excessively so. The mouth watering meals were cooked to perfection and this definitely sealed the date day deal for both of us. The perfect way to celebrate 21 years of drawing spoons over a shared crème brûlée…….


Creme Brulee | Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel | Perth


This next photo probably sums up just how good our meal was from start to finish. It’s basically what was left of our chicken liver parfait entrée which was served with fig and pear chutney together with a crusty baguette. When you seriously contemplate licking the plate and you are already discussing a return visit before this one is over, it has to be pretty special.


Empty Plate | Casing the Menu | Agent Mystery Case | The Brisbane Hotel



Now, I probably shouldn’t have had the smart phone out and taken so many photos on this occasion but what can I say…. photos or it didn’t happen. Or possibly… I’m a blogger and I know it!



Worth Casing Wednesday


If you have a blog post worth casing this week or you are playing along for Wordless Wednesday (something I’m really good at…not) this is the place to link up.


How do you like to celebrate special occasions? Do you have a favourite dessert?

I’m on catch up this week but if you take the time to leave a comment, I will definitely take the time to head over and case your blog posts. Have a great week!


Not sponsored. No affiliate links. 100% my {eating} style!



About Mystery Case 462 Articles
Follow Raychael aka Mystery Case on her mystery adventures 'casing' people, products and places to bring you her worth casing favourites.


  1. How sweet! Can you believe I didn’t try crème brûlée until I started dating my Ogre? It’s one of his favorites, too.

    • I wouldn’t normally head to a hotel for a romantic meal but you know what this is really our kind of romantic. It was the perfect date day. I’m thinking we might need to start celebrating the anniversary of the first day we moved in together and head back soon. 😉

  2. Happy 21 years since your first date!! With a name of The Brisbane Hotel that place would have to be good!! haha The food does look delicious! Now I am hungry! 20 years married in November will be a big one! We celebrated 30 years of marriage in January and our trip to Tassie (we leave on Friday) is part of the whole ‘marking the occasion’.

    • I think I might start planning a big adventure for our 30th anniversary. The girls will be old enough to fend for themselves and hopefully we will have the funds and time to enjoy some time to ourselves.

  3. So it’s called Brisbane but it’s in Perth? I love that you have such a special ritual and that it is as simple as sharing a creme brulee. And yes, I’m guilty of over photographing and hubby often rolls his eyes at me.

    • Yes The Brisbane and in Perth. We also have The Melbourne but I haven’t cased the menu there for a bit as they have been doing renovations.

      I was thinking of gifting hubby a blog torch for our anniversary so we could start a new tradition of in home creme brulee dining but that could be dangerous.

      I’m not normally this bad with photos at meal time but I’m still having a lot of fun experimenting with my new Sony Xperia phone. Well that’s my excuse this time round. 😉

  4. I find it hard to go past anything salted caramel, a sticky date pudding or indeed a creme brulee . . . I love the tradition you have. We’re probably more pub meal people too, although we celebrated our engagement with baked potatoes in the Tea Tree Plaza food court!

  5. Food looks great! We are both big foodies, so usually do a meal somewhere cool for our anniversary. On another notes, me and my dad are always trying to find the best creme caramel…we send each other pictures and compare notes.

    • You don’t see creme caramel on the menu much these days and I suppose it is a lot like creme brulee without the blow torch to the top? Hubby also is a bit partial to creme caramel so we are always experimenting with recipes.

  6. We love creme brûlée too! I wasn’t always a big fan, but I’ve come to appreciate it greatly! Yay on the new camera! You got some nice shots!

    Congrats! I’m glad you found a wonderful place to go for quiet and creme brûlée! Happy Anniversary!

    • Thanks Mary. It’s the Sony Xperia phone. The camera on it is 20.7 mp with lots of features. I’m really enjoying testing out all the features. Missing some of my iPhone apps but the camera certainly has me thinking twice about going back to the iPhone.

  7. Happy 21 years. and another great post. Looks like the Brisbane Hotel might be the place to go next time I am in Perth.
    Have a great week and thanks for the link up.

  8. I love the way you tell a story raych!
    and I always love that photo of you two! … gorgeous!
    every picture tells a story too hun! love m:)X

    • Thanks gorgeous, that photo is so old and scratched now. I really must find the original photos and make sure they are in better condition. After 22 moves, we still have a lot of our belongings in storage. Clearly we were married in the dark room ages and only a couple of photos have been scanned.

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