Blog Exchange | Thinking outside the niche

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In this over saturated world of blogging, it can be hard to find your voice and point of difference. There seems to be a huge emphasis on finding your niche, your blog tribe or gang but not everyone fits that mould or wants to be pigeonholed.


If you’ve ever felt left out or excluded, if you are struggling to find your niche, if you think you might actually be niche free (like me) or you just want to make some real connections … My latest blogging collaboration Blog Exchange has your name written all over it!



I recently had a little discussion on Facebook about blog tribes, blog gangs and the fine line (possibly a hashtag or three) between calling and thinking of them as ‘in’ groups, with an emphasis on cliques and exclusion.


Don’t get me wrong, I see the benefits and I get the whole finding a community or place that you feel like you belong but can’t we just call and treat these endeavours as connections and remove the exclusivity and exclusion element?


I suppose I’m included in a small percentage that doesn’t buy into needing a tribe or a niche for that matter, when it comes to blogging. This probably has everything to do with not actually having a niche. Rightly or wrongly, I find that sense of belonging comes from my immediate family and friends.


Having a niche certainly can make blogging a whole lot easier but for me pigeonholing myself goes against the grain. You could say that in life and blogging I feel a lot like Ugly the cat (please head over and have a quick read).


Many people want to be richer, more successful, well liked, beautiful, but for me, I will always try to be Ugly.


I’m not someone who necessarily looks the part (a bit like the blog). I will always strive to be a little different, especially with the blog. I understand and appreciate I’m not going to appeal to everyone but should that stop me in my blogging no niche tracks?!




You will often find me green-eyed when it comes to blogging, especially travel blogging but for the most part I’m content to do my own thing. I have a lot of limitations on me at the moment, so need to run my own race at my own pace. This doesn’t mean I can’t have a lot of fun and support other bloggers along the way.


While I might be green-eyed and envious of others blogging endeavours and adventures, not having a niche means the only person I’m actually competing with on a regular blogging basis is myself and quite frankly that’s not a bad position to be in.


That doesn’t mean I’m not there celebrating on the sidelines when you find your tribe or your niche or that I can’t see the real benefits in both but I’m also observing and feeling the collective shrug and slump from the majority of the room at events whenever tribes or cliques are mentioned.


Following on from my Facebook update and a handful of emails I received afterwards, I feel the need to reiterate that I was by no means pointing the finger at any particular person or incident, I was merely wanting to start a conversation. A conversation that clearly touched a nerve with many people from all sides of the blogging equation.


But I’m honestly not in the game of touching on nerves or seeking out trolls with my lack of a thigh gap.


I merely want to start conversations, make connections and touch on the fact that in this over saturated world of blogging, especially if you are late coming to the party it’s hard to find your voice and your point of difference. Even harder if you don’t have a niche or you want to keep your niche options a little wide open while you find your blogging place.


I do sometimes think I need to outsource my Facebook conversations. I fear I’m often taken the wrong way and come across super cranky and judgmental. I do for the record come from a long line of judgmental folk. I like to think I’m a diluted version of my ancestors. I tend to put my judgmental ways to good use via auditing for starters.


As a result though, I do tend to look for the bad or what’s not right in things rather than the positives. Something I’m acutely aware of and working on but from a client perspective who is paying by the hour, it’s good to be able to cut through the crap and get straight to the point business.


When I’m not being my judgmental self and ticking people off on Facebook, I’m living up to my name and adding the mystery factor to everything I touch.


You could say I’ve been a little more annoying mysterious than I would have liked lately with my Facebook status updates. There’s a good reason for this and for once, I’m not setting the agenda or calling the shots on the official announcement. Hopefully soon.


What I can say… I recently signed on as Ambassador for a mystery project, one that will have me more focused than ever before and will lead to some fantastic opportunities not only on a personal and blogging level but for my business which in turn will mean I’m in more of a position than ever before to help others.


I had hoped to make the big announcement today but the powers that be on this one still have a couple of details they need to fine tune. While I await the green light, I would love to share a snippet of my latest blogging collaboration Blog Exchange.



A supportive community for the new or no niche blogger or any blogger struggling to make connections and find their voice. It’s a different way to approach blogging, while you find your voice and point of difference. It’s all about connections, collaborations and approaching blogging a little differently.


A community approach focusing on connections, collaborations and looking outside the niche. 


It will include a Facebook group with a handful of my favourite bloggers (when they have the time) acting as mentors. We will be encouraging blogging collaborations and monthly challenges for starters with an interesting project kicking off in July.


Through Blog Exchange, I will also be looking to revisit our Worth Casing Blog Awards for 2015. Awards that are aimed at new bloggers regardless of their niche.


If you would like to know more or be involved, head over and join our Facebook group or leave a comment below.


Worth Casing This Week on Agent Mystery Case


Aussie Giveaway LinkUp May

GIVEAWAY | $100 Sash & Belle Voucher

BLOG SPOTLIGHT | The Style Within


Have you struggled with any aspect of blogging? Do you think having a dedicated niche makes blogging easier?

About Mystery Case 462 Articles
Follow Raychael aka Mystery Case on her mystery adventures 'casing' people, products and places to bring you her worth casing favourites.


  1. I’ve never liked the word tribe in the blogging sense, and I refuse to name my niche. I blog because I love to write, and I love the community atmosphere. I love IBOT because I catch up regularly with people who write different things for different reasons, and it’s fun. I learn new things, and I appreciate different ways of looking at the world. To me, that’s the beauty of blogging. I’m interested to hear more about the exchange 🙂

    • I’m much the same with the word tribe. I love IBOT Jess, you’ve built a wonderful community of bloggers that link up each week. I was just heading over to link this post up, only I’m about an hour or so early. I really must find out what time my blogging schedule is on and change it pronto.

      I’m looking forward to sharing Blog Exchange with you over the coming months and then hopefully letting it take on a life of its own.

  2. I love this idea Raych – happy to help where I can! As a blogger who crosses niches (maybe that’s better than being nicheless?) I know how hard it is to be heard and to find your place. I love talking about myself and special needs parenting and autism and albinism and travel and working from home and anything else that takes my fancy. I think it should be seen as a positive rather than a negative – it just means I’m across more things rather than a master of none of them. Looking forward to seeing the exchange come to life as well as finally hearing your big and mysterious news…

    • Thanks Kirsty. Having a wide demographic has advantages but it does sometimes feel like you need to do double time to reach so many different audiences.

      I can’t wait to spill all the details. If they don’t allow me to make an announcement soon, I might burst.

  3. I love this Raych, and being a new blogger and one finding her voice and style, it is refreshing to hear 🙂 Off to go check out the Blog Exchange FB group.

  4. A dedicated niche is great but it does mean that you are labelled as just the one thing and it is often hard to break out of that and spread your blog wings! I blog as a creative outlet, I love posting beautiful inspiration, snippets of my life and inspiring others. I love the networks and friendships I have formed and am grateful that the online blogging world has opened me up to so much more. Just blog about what you are passionate about and I think you can’t do wrong xx A

  5. What a great idea!! Go you (and just want to say, sometimes the written word, without intonation, gets taken in a way entirely differently to the way it’s intended…)

  6. What a cool idea! Love the concept of the Blog Exchange, anything that leads to a more collaborative blogosphere is good if you ask me!

  7. Being a rather recent latecomer to the blogging world this sounds like a fabulous idea to me! Thanks for accepting me into the Blog Exchange Facebook Group 🙂

  8. OMG Raychael I love this idea! I don’t belong to any niche and I haven’t really found my tribe either. Gosh I love the way you think. I’m super excited to hear more! 🙂

  9. I can’t decide whether I’m nicheless or multiniched. I used to bother me more, but I actually like being able to write about whatever comes to mind… 😉

  10. This sounds fab. I am a parenting blogger but I delve into food and events and those are not always parenting. What can I say – I am not just a parent!
    Massive congrats on your coming role (and I am pretty sure I know what it is)… xx

    • Thanks Jody. I’m sure more than a few will join the dots. Hopefully I’m not in any real trouble for hinting here. I’m sure there will be an official announcement any day now.

  11. What a great idea. I think ‘niches’ are important from a reader perspective (ie. so they can find what they want to read) but there’s no reason your blog can’t fit into 50 niches – a few parenting posts, a few fashion posts etc. Just my ten cents:-) #TeamIBOT

  12. Yeah, I’m a bit of an outlier I think. A mummy-blogger who never talks about her kids. Or parenting. Much. LOL.

    • I’ve been referred to as a style or fashion blogger on a number of occasions. It just doesn’t sit right with me. Not sure I can put a label other than blogger on me at the moment. I’m evolving.

  13. Sounds great. I dabble in a few areas so no clear niche & I’m ok with that because a single theme doesn’t suit me 🙂

    • I’m sure there are so many of us that think and blog the same way. I’m hoping to draw on that and create a supportive community with a couple of fun challenges along the way. It’s easy to find workshops and support groups when you have that defined niche. When you are across several it can be hard to find your place.

  14. Unless ‘whatever tickles my fancy’ is a niche then no.. I dont really fit in anywhere either and I am ok with that. I am really excited about your new project hun and I love that you are taking the time to help others. THATS what I love about blogging xx

    • I rather like ‘whatever tickles my fancy’ as a niche. I’ve been trying to get the Seinfeld (a blog about everything and nothing all at the same time) niche going since I started.

  15. My blog has a niche, but not entirely. My photography and photography tips definitely are more niche….but then I muse about life as well. It does all use my own photography, but isn’t all about photography. But I have a good group of followers. I really enjoy interacting with them on my blog and theirs. You included!

    You mystery project sounds exciting! Can’t wait to hear about it!

  16. What an excellent idea, I have a niche, but it’s so small there is only a couple of us that do something similar. Would love to be a part of this!

  17. You’re such a mysterious minx, Raych! Looking forward to the big announcement. If it doesn’t happen before the 3rd we might just have to tickle it out of you!!! 😉
    I’m feeling like a bit of a turncoat at the mo. My old blog was nicheless … and I guess I did struggle with that a little bit … especially if my creative juices weren’t flowing. My new site (which I’m in the process of planning and pulling together) will have a very definite niche … and I must admit that I feel a lot more comfortable with it.
    I’ve never been one for cliques or tightknit groups so the blog exchange is right up my alley. I’m really chuffed to be involved and see where it goes. It’s great timing, what with the new site being in the works. How exciting! xx

    • How very exciting for you Jo. I’m really looking forward to catching up next week. I’ve heard a little rumour that the 3rd might be announcement day, so we will have lots of share and celebrate.

  18. Sounds like a great idea. It’s always hard when I’m filling out some sort of blog-related form and it gives a drop down menu to choose from with very rigid themes. I lean towards fashion/style/beauty but I also chuck in a little lifestyle, parenting and personal stuff . . . why is there never a “whatevs” option?

  19. I love your blog/work thankyou raych! … probably because it’s niche less!
    i relate to that way of being!
    if I blogged I would love to learn from you! … you really have skills! I’ve already learnt heaps just by osmosis!
    i see you as great role model, intelligent,wise and honest!
    what a mix hun!
    love m:)X

    • Oh hun, that is so sweet. You are such a huge support not only to myself but many of my blogging favourites. If you ever feel like dipping your toes in and doing a guest blog post, you are always welcome here.

  20. Wow what an interesting post that answers a lot of questions but also throws up so many.. I know what you mean about the whole niche/tribe thing – I do feel lots of people cling on to this as a bit of a trophy. I am intrigued as to who got their feathers ruffled by what you wrote? Right now I’m struggling to be interesting or actually care about what I write, must need a break x

    • Must be something in the air because I feel much the same Emily. I had a three day break from most things last week, which helped. I’m hoping the new mystery project will provide me with the tools and focus I need to get back on track. Hopefully, there will be an announcement soon or I may be forced to take matters into my own hands.

  21. What an interesting subject! I thought at first that the niche thing was required. But now, I want to write about a lot of different things and don’t want to be only a food blogger! I struggle now to try to find some logical links between all my favorite subjects! thanks to bring this out! xx cathy

    • Don’t get me wrong, a dedicated niche does make promoting your blog and finding your audience a whole lot easier but I’m guessing it also isn’t for everyone. I also think it’s nice occasionally to step outside your niche and mix things up. Helps to keep things interesting.

  22. I think you write what you wanna write and don’t worry too much about being categorised or fitting into a niche. I think you totally create connections through this site and your Facebook sites and you raise some really question topics. What on earth were people getting their knickers in a knot about? I’m baffled. I look forward to whats around the corner for you x

  23. What a great idea, Raych! I am looking forward to celebrating our “you-nique-ness” because I’m nicheless and loving it! I can’t wait to hear about your next adventure – I sense there’s a lot of good things happening in your future!

  24. That’s a brilliant idea. I started out with a travel blog, a few months and 2 chronic diseases later it’s impossible from me to leave the country for at least a year and I’m struggling to get out and about enough to maintain interesting travel related material to post regularly. I want to branch out and talk about other passions but I constantly hear the advise to focus focus focus – don’t stray from your niche. I loved to read this that and have some hope that maybe I can just focus on being me and trust that there are people in the blog universe with diverse interests too.

    • I was much the same. Started blogging and had grand plans to travel and explore food options and then 2 chronic illnesses dictated what I couldn’t do and I spent a good 12 months if not more saying no to so many things. While the health side of things isn’t behind me, it’s certainly more manageable and I’m hoping to explore a few more blogging options.

      Having a niche certainly helps with promoting your blog and finding your audience but with so many blogs out there, I think finding your point of difference and exploring options outside your niche to mix things up can only help.

    • I was hoping you might say that Zita. When you get back from your latest adventure we might need to talk about you setting a travel challenge. Perhaps along the lines of tourist in your backyard.

  25. I love to write about so many different things and really just enjoying writing. Too many elements to fit in one niche. I really have great respect for people who do but I’m all about the moments and sharing them. I’m looking forward to hearing more about your plans and just letting you know I’d love in.

    • So pleased to have you on board. I’m just putting the finishing touches on our first blog challenge and next conversation. It should hit the blog Thursday if not before.

  26. Oh, this sounds brilliant! I had a blog for a long time that had a fair few readers, I made lots of great friends, and I really enjoyed hanging out in the blogosphere and in person at conferences and events. Until I didn’t. One day I realised that I was over it. That it felt a bit forced, that I no longer enjoyed writing like I once had, that I still didn’t really have a niche, and that I wanted more more more… I began to feel jealous that I wasn’t ‘getting’ enough out of it. Readers, opportunities, freebies, you name it. I became a bit jaded. So stopped.And now 18 months-ish later I’ve started again… slowly, with only a couple of readers, with no facebook page, with no real desire to have advertising or run sponsored posts. I’d love to say that now I am only writing for me, but there are times when I wish there were a few more people validating my decision to brain dump online rather that in a journal. It’s a funny place, blog land. I love it, but it can suck the life out of you too! So hooray for no-niche, new blogs and new connections.

    • Thanks Jenn and apologies for not replying to your comment sooner. I’ve been having a bit of blogging time out. Following my trip to Melbourne to a blogging masterclass, I’ve been feeling a bit like you, in that blogging was feeling forced and I’ve taken a step back just to refocus as I have so much else going on at the moment.

      Looking forward to casing your blog and hopefully you can join our first ‘Blog like there is nobody reading’ challenge.

  27. Late to the party! I love this idea but, oh, I’m not on Facebook. But I will be watching and joining in when I can. Great idea.

    • You don’t need to be on FB to play along, although our little group is rather supportive and it’s a great place to find support and ask your blogging questions.

      Have you checked out our first Blog Exchange challenge? There will be a bit more on this challenge hit the blog on Monday.

      • I did see that, though hardly a challenge for me! My challenge would be to blog as if someone IS reading! Looking forward to following along in future.

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