Signature Style – Where to start!

Signature Style, Style Challenge, Almost Posh, Giveaway

My latest style challenge and giveaway is all about finding a signature style, so your wardrobe is working for you and not against you.


Signature Style, Style Challenge, Almost Posh, Giveaway




This month, I’m on a mission with Beth from Almost Posh to find my signature style. I’m hoping the mere process of discovering my signature style will help me develop a more functional wardrobe and be a lot more adventurous and low maintenance in the process.


Each Friday throughout May, Beth aka Almost Posh and myself will be sharing tips on finding your SIGNATURE STYLE on a budget. There’s also plenty of ways and incentives for you to play along (giveaway and linkup details below).





Clear out your closet! A great and affordable way to approach this is to clear out your existing wardrobe. Only keep pieces that are working for you, discard items that no longer fit or suit. Find a friend or a stylist to help with this process and find the gaps in your wardrobe before you even think about hitting the shops and spending any money. Easier said than done. I should know.


I know for me, I tend to fall back into my old habits and end up adding to the chaos by racing out and purchasing something new on a whim for an event, wear it once and then leave it to collect dust in the back of the cupboard. I come from a long line of hoarders and while I’m a diluted down version as a result, I still have a bit of a tendency to hoard and hold onto things for a lot longer than I should.


The cupboard chaos is probably the main reason, I’m bringing back my ‘should it stay or should it go now’ shares on Instagram. I need real help in deciding what should stay and possibly someone to hold my hand when it comes to letting something go.


Take the sz 10, emerald green, lace formal dress I wore once in 1995. Why on earth, have I kept it all these years? Even if I did manage to get back to that size, it screams 1990s. If it wasn’t packed away in storage (with a gazillion other questionable items), following our recent move, I would share a photo. Actually, there’s probably a photo of me wearing it back then with an even more questionable hairdo… stay tuned.





Find a way forward that works for you and don’t be too tough on yourself. My current meds and thyroid condition have bumped me up a size (or two) this past year. It will eventually correct itself (or it won’t) but it’s making my wardrobe life a bit of a misery in the meantime. It means I’m not ready to let go of certain favourites (especially almost new designer ones) that no longer fit because I’m hoping to get back there.


Looking at these pieces day in and day out though doesn’t help. Having a chaotic wardrobe full to the brim, just makes getting ready in the morning a whole lot harder than it needs to be. In the interim, they honestly have to go. Stored away for the time being. Out of mind, out of sight. So I can easily see what I actually have that works.


With these pieces out of sight and the questionable items in a pile to either throw or donate, there’s not much left to play with it but surprisingly it’s a whole lot easier to work with. It’s certainly not making me want to run out and spend, spend, spend. Instead, I’m making a wish list of sorts. Working on my signature style, determined not to blow the budget.


As I try to embrace my current shape and size, with a wardrobe to suit, I’m window shopping the sales and the factory outlets. I’m planning on hitting the op shops. I’m looking for inspiration from my stylish friends and all of you who are playing along on Instagram.




Because I’m needing all the help and inspiration I can get right now in the wardrobe department, I would love it if you could jump on board and share what is working for you when it comes to signature style (#signaturestylechallenge) and also what isn’t exactly working for you (#shoulditstayorshoulditgo).    


As an incentive, we have two designer mystery prizes up for grabs for this style challenge.  The easiest way to play along is share a picture on Instagram but for the style bloggers that would like to jump on board, we’ve opened up a linkup so you can link up your signature style blog posts.



Don’t have Instagram? Not a problem. Just share your image or description in the comments here or on Almost Posh, or send us an email.



DESIGNER MYSTERY PRIZE ONE (#signaturestylechallenge)


Share your Signature Style pictures to Instagram (or in a blog post), providing lots of details on your outfit and your signature style. Remember to tag both @almostposh & @agentmysterycase using our dedicated hashtag for this challenge #signaturestylechallenge.


DESIGNER MYSTERY PRIZE TWO (#shoulditstayorshoulditgo)


Share something questionable from your wardrobe to Instagram. Tag both @almostposh & @agentmysterycase using the dedicated hashtag #shoulditstayorshoulditgo. Include as much detail as possible about the item. When you purchased it, how many times you’ve actually worn it and why you think it is no longer working for you.


Terms and conditions:

  • Game of Skill
  • Not associated with any third party
  • Winners selected by Almost Posh & a mystery judge
  • Two winners (as above)
  • Can enter more than once
  • Australian residence only
  • Entries Close May 31st (9pm WST)



Do you have a signature style or uniform? What’s the most questionable item in your wardrobe right now?

About Mystery Case 462 Articles
Follow Raychael aka Mystery Case on her mystery adventures 'casing' people, products and places to bring you her worth casing favourites.


  1. Hmmm…. a tough one for me given the way I feel about my body at the moment. I’m very much in baggy trousers and big shirts.

    I know they probably make me more shapeless but until I lose some weight I don’t really feel comfortable with anything fitted around my chest, stomach or hips. I do wear fitting pants sometimes but with a LONG tunic over the top!

    • I’m all about comfort at the moment myself. I have so many shoes I really can no longer wear with the swelling factor coming into play. I’ve packed them away too but honestly most of them are too high for me now and don’t suit my evolving wardrobe that they really all should just go.

  2. I really do need to go through my wardrobe and clear out the “stuff” that no longer fits or went out of fashion years ago! Hopefully your series of posts will help motivate me.

  3. My weight is on the up and I’ve got so many things that don’t fit that I can’t find the things that do! You’ve inspired me to feng shui my wardrobe when I get back from holidays, what I don’t need, don’t love or don’t fit, is going to be “relocated”!

  4. Ok, I have been hiding under an Instagram rock and missed this! Just added the hashtag to my notes so I remember to play along this week!!! See you in #SignatureStyleChallenge

  5. This is a great idea. And yes I always rush out on a whim to buy a new outfit for an event then never wear it again. I really need to go through my wardrobe and get organised!

    Di from Max The Unicorn

  6. I’m in between sizes at the moment. It can be really frustrating but also an incentive to get into a size that I’m comfortable with. @Signaturestylechallenge is an awesome idea!

    • Thanks Grace. It wouldn’t matter what I ate or how much I exercised, I just can’t lose weight right now. I’m the lucky person that can have a low calorie diet and hit the gym every day for a month and put on six kilos. Wish I was kidding. Doesn’t mean I’m going to give up doing all the right things because having a good diet and some exercise in my life helps.

  7. Hi Raychael…I hear you on all of this. I’ve lost weight without intention..thanks ANXIETY/IBS but also thanks to less eating from comforting..kind of a paradox. It’s been gradual, over 2 years and I continue to be both surprised and shocked that after decades of fighting my size, it just happened. I’m well but it’s taken my doctor to convince me this weight loss is Ok and nothing is wrong. It’s taken me about a year to realise I don’t need the clothes I had (taking shape TS and the Plus sizes) which were part of my professional style – from Uni teaching etc. They, along with the other clothes are no longer fitting nor required (hello full time retirement) so the local charity shops have done well with me. MY signature style is casual and beach-style. Gotta embrace it. Denyse PS I thought this was the Worth Casing linky and linked up… oops??

    • It’s hard honestly to embrace the weight gain when I’m 99% of the time doing the right things. I keep hoping the new meds will fix some of the health issues but it is what it is. Like my left leg, I still haven’t regained 100% feeling from the knee down following my trip to Sydney. Hard to know at this stage if it is something we can fix or just the start of my new reality. Either way, ain’t nothing going to keep me down… or the Worth Casing Wednesday linkup for that matter… I’m just running a bit late. Should be up soon.

  8. Thanks Raych! I’m in. I’ve done it. Link submitted. Realising I have a signature style has completely elevated my spirits. I was thinking I was being boring “same old, same old” but it turns out I just have a signature look. That’s cool!

    • I’m hoping it will elevate mine too. The truth being, I’m not happy with how I look with the weight gain and the constant swelling in my face, arms and legs. I have a perfectly good signature style and a wardrobe to match. It’s much like your style. I just no longer have the size or shape to pull it off. Something I need to just embrace.

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